Site icon My Parallel Universe

Keep the Faith

It was a big day!

I was finishing the upload process to get Bits of Violet onto the iBooks platform for release on Monday (this coming Monday, September 3rd). An email alert popped up with the words “Watty” or “Wattpad” –I’m not even sure. Then the message from the Wattpad app blinked on my phone.

I ignored them. Sure, I wanted to see what it had to say. I’d been wondering, after I’d entered that contest, if I would ever hear anything back, but so far, nothing. But since I was on a deadline I practiced my focus skills and stuck to my task. (Thank you Dalai Lama and the practice of meditation –real evidence that focus can be achieved.)

Minutes later, satisfied and already a little excited for the upcoming release of the second parallel universe romance to be published by Dōjini, I read the email. Admittedly, I weeped a little. Which I think was crazy but I guess I was happier than I had anticipated.

Some of you may have seen my blog a year ago when I first started posting this story on Wattpad. I wasn’t sure how it would go, and frankly, after several weeks, got frustrated and stopped. Then a few months ago, as I was lamenting that I had no audience for my stories, I decided I had to try again. Still, I have a painfully small audience, but I discovered that Wattpad works as more of a social platform. You have to make friends. Difficult for some introverts, even me who straddles the fence between intro and extro.

I made some effort, gained a follower or two, enjoyed connecting with more writers trying to do new and interesting things (check out paulapdx and her Otherworlders series on Wattpad, which is written as a screenplay), and decided to enter their annual contest – The Wattys.

And here I am, long listed. I am thrilled and excited and, sure, would love to make the short list. But most importantly, I am energized, motivated and eager to keep writing. Keep crafting. Keep improving. Keep connecting.

Thanks, Wattpad. Time to go write.

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